Location: Conshohocken Borough and Whitemarsh Township, Montgomery County, PA
Client: JPC Group, Inc.
Owner: SEPTA
Phase: Preliminary Design and Final Design
Status: Final Design Underway
KMA, along with JPC Group, Inc., were awarded the Norristown Regional Rail Line Slope Stabilization Design/Build Project by SEPTA. This project corridor encompasses the eastern riverbank of the Schuylkill River between the Spring Mill and Miquon stations of this rail line. Portions of the river embankment are relatively steep due to scour and erosion. With the railroad tracks approximately twenty-five feet away from the bank’s edge, SEPTA initiated this Design/Build project to expeditiously address the safety concerns raised by the encroaching river embankment.

KMA conducted survey in order to finalize the base mapping completed during the Conceptual Design Phase and to layout the proposed construction baseline; prepared permit plans; and prepared and submitted the various permit applications required for the project to begin construction. Those applications included a Chapter 105/Section 404 Joint Permit, Chapter 102 NPDES Permit for Construction Activities, River Trails Aids to Navigation (ATON) Plan, Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program Coordination, and Whitemarsh Township Land Disturbance Permit.
KMA completed slope stability and scour analysis of two areas of concern identified by SEPTA, both approximately 900 feet in length, to determine the exact stability and scour remediation areas. Stability analyses accounted for the Cooper E-80 live load surcharge on the slope and were conducted in accordance with the AREMA Manual. The Design/Build team concluded that a land-side approach to the slope treatment would be the most appropriate solution, given the challenging site conditions and extensive restraints. KMA prepared specifications in Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) format describing the type and characteristics of all materials and systems to be incorporated in the work.