KMA's Highway Engineering Department has the ability to perform an analysis and design of highways and other roadway components/systems in accordance with AASHTO, FHWA, and other various state standards. Our Highway Engineering Department has extensive experience with inspection, design, and construction in these types of highway facilities:
Interstate, arterial, collector and local roadways​
Interchanges (fully-controlled and limited access)​
Signalized intersections​
Unsignalized intersections, including roundabouts​
Auxiliary lanes and ramps, including jug handles​
Utility and ITS Facilities
Highway alignment and geometric design (horizontal, vertical, and super-elevation)
Interchange, intersection, and roundabout design
3-D virtual modeling and visualization
Pavement inspection, design, and rehabilitation
Earthwork analyses
Storm water drainage design and management
Erosion and sediment control plans and permitting
Traffic signing and pavement markings
Sidewalk ADA compliance
Pedestrian and bicycle facilities design
Green infastructure and low impact design
​​Guiderail inspection and design
Right-Of-Way impact assessment and mapping
​Maintenance of traffic analysis and plans (signed and detoured construction)
Access management
Construction cost estimates
Life cycle cost analyses
Utility coordination, relocation, and design
Constructability and QA/QC reviews
Bid package preparation
Construction Engineering Services
Agency coordination
Road user cost analysis
ITS facility planning and design