Location: Harrison Township, Gloucester County, NJ
Client: McCormick Taylor, Inc
Owner: NJDOT
Phase: Preliminary Engineering and Final Design
The New Jersey Department of Transportation commissioned KMA as subconsultant to McCormick Taylor, Inc. to perform design services for the Mullica Hill Pond Dam, located at milepost 11.51 of U.S. Route 322 (Raccoon Creek Bridge). The purpose of this project was to improve the Mullica Hill Pond Dam by raising a portion of the U.S. Route 322 profile, replacing the existing Raccoon Creek Bridge, and constructing a new spillway. Design surfaces carried out by KMA included survey, subsurface utility engineering (SUE), geotechnical engineering, and stormwater design services.
KMA performed field survey and prepared project base mapping for use in completing the design and permit applications. Geotechnical services included development and implementation of a subsurface exploration program and geotechnical foundation design. Geotechnical analysis included potential for liquefaction during earthquakes, determination of nominal and factored vertical and lateral resistances for strength limit and service limit states, slope stability analysis, underwater evaluation of the existing bridge, and preparation of a comprehensive geotechnical report. KMA was responsible for completion of soil test pits and soil permeability testing for design of stormwater control facilities (detention and retention basins). KMA also took soil samples for lab testing. SUE work consisted of designation and conduction of three test holes.