Location: Borough of Penns Grove and Township of Carneys Point, Salem Country, NJ
Client: McCormick Taylor, Inc.
Owner: NJDOT
Phase: Preliminary Engineering and Final Design
Status: Construction Completed
The New Jersey Department of Transportation commissioned KMA as subconsultant to McCormick Taylor in the Preliminary Engineering and Final Design Phases of this project, which included a full replacement of the NJ Route 48 bridge, roadway improvements along NJ Route 48, and upgrade of the Layton Lake Dam, which did not conform to NJDEP Dam Safety Standards. KMA prepared project mapping; conducted test pits for the stormwater management design; and provided geotechnical engineering, subsurface utility engineering, and pavement design services.
For the preliminary geotechnical study, KMA developed and implemented a subsurface exploratory program and performed a preliminary seismic and foundation design. Analyses and design of pavement for reconstruction of the roadway were performed using the AASHTO pavement design computer software DARWin 3.1. KMA’s work in the preliminary engineering phase also entailed conducting test pits and performing permeability testing for the design of stormwater management basins.
During the Final Design Phase, KMA performed final geotechnical engineering, supplemental SUE investigations, final pavement design, and supplemental surveying. KMA also delivered Construction Engineering Phase services.