Location: Brooklawn Borough, Camden County and Westville Borough, Gloucester County, NJ
Client: McCormick Taylor, Inc.
Owner: NJDOT
Phase: Preliminary Engineering and Final Design
Status: Construction Underway
In the preliminary engineering phase, KMA was retained by McCormick Taylor, Inc to provide:
surveying and mapping
utility engineering (including SUE)
pavement testing and design,
preliminary geotechnical investigations and analyses
perform soil investigations for stormwater management design
In the final design phase, KMA performed:
supplemental surveying (wetland lines and stream cross-sections)
additional SUE (test holes)
final geotechnical investigations and analyses.

For the pavement design, KMA conducted field work consisting of falling weight deflectometer testing, dynamic cone penetration testing, pavement coring, and collection of bulk soil samples for laboratory testing. KMA’s final pavement design report served as the basis for pavement structure improvement of U.S. Route 130 and the adjoining Brooklawn Circle. For the geotechnical investigations and analyses, a total of fourteen borings were drilled, ten on land and four under water. Geotechnical analyses performed included those on deep foundations, pile load capacities, seismic exploration, vertical stress influence, and spread footing. KMA compiled a comprehensive geotechnical engineering report encompassing all on-site and laboratory findings and design recommendations.