KMA has the capabilities to provide traffic control services for performing field investigations within the right-of-way of public roadways.
We use our traffic control equipment to provide safe working environments for our geotechnical staff and survey and SUE field crews, as well as to engineers and surveyors from other firms. We can accommodate lane and shoulder closures, as well as work carried out in proximity to the shoulder.
KMA has two truck-mounted attenuators and a variety of warning signs and traffic cones for traffic control set-ups. We have extensive experience with, and have prepared applications for, New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) Highway Occupancy Permits and South Jersey Transportation Authority (SJTA) Access Permits. In addition, we have developed traffic safety set-ups according to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control (MUTCD).
Our field staff have Traffic Control Certifications (TCCs) from the Rutgers University Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation and have completed the New Jersey Turnpike Traffic Safety Training Class.