Location: Bass River Township, Burlington Country, NJ
Client: McCormick Taylor, Inc.
Owner: NJDOT
Phase: Preliminary Design and Final Design
Status: Construction Completed
KMA was contracted to provide Preliminary and Final Design Phase services on this NJDOT-sponsored project, which entailed the replacement of the U.S. Route 9 over Jobs Creek Bridge, a 64.7-foot, single-span concrete encased steel stringer structure. KMA developed final design mapping and survey, performed geotechnical engineering, utility engineering (including SUE test holes), field and lab testing for the stormwater management design, pavement design, and assisted with the bridge design.
The geotechnical and pavement design work included development and implementation of a subsurface exploratory and laboratory testing programs, and preparation of a Geotechnical Foundation Report and Pavement Design Report. The design work also included a settlement and slope stability analyses, design of temporary sheet pile cofferdams for construction dewatering, and seismic analysis and design for retaining wall structures to verify their stability during extreme limit states and to provide adequate seismic connections.

The pavement design involved the determination of the roadbed soil resilient modulus modified for relative damage due to seasonal climatic variations. The determination of the resilient modulus was based on soil data obtained from subsoil investigation. Additionally, KMA coordinated and conducted structural design of the retaining walls to accommodate the new vertical alignment and bridge configuration, and performed the scour analysis and scour design for the new bridge.
All work was conducted in accordance with the NJDOT Design Manual for Bridges and Structures, LFRD Method; NJDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction (2007); NJDOT Procedures Manual; and AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures (1993).